
Bulletin # 07-14

Bulletin # 07-14



April 2, 2014




Double Back will begin on Monday morning, April 7, 2014.  The procedures will be as follows:

  1. For Nightside members to be available for Double-back on the first shift, you must sign a clipboard sheet that will be available at the kiosks.  Sign-in times are from 5:00 a.m. to 6:14 a.m.  To Double-back from 2nd shift to 3rd shift, call the Night Dispatcher to see if any work is hanging.  

  2. For Dayside members to be available for Double-back on the 2nd or 3rd shifts, you must sign a clipboard sheet that will be available at the kiosks.  Sign-in times are from 12:00 p.m. to 4:14 p.m.

  3. All dispatch of Double-back jobs shall be in allocation order (off the top) to ensure a timely dispatch.

  4. Double-back shall be dispatched once each board has completed low board rotation and after Class “B” (ID’s) and Class “A” travelers.

  5. A Dayside member who has a comeback cannot take a third shift job.

  6. A Nightside member who has a comeback on a third shift job cannot take a second shift job.

  7. A Nightside member who picked up a second shift job cannot pick up a third shift job until his/her job is finished.

  8. All Double-back jobs are one shift only.

This Double-back agreement is on a 90-day trial basis.  DO NOT HASSLE THE DISPATCHERS.  We cannot afford to have Dispatch be interrupted with petty squabbling about what job we are dispatched to.  This agreement relies on us as members to follow the rules in order to maintain our Double-back agreement.

A kiosk Double-back sign-in will become available in the coming weeks.  We will keep you posted.  




THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2014 @ 7:30 P.M.


All members who have been elected to an office or committee, you need to be at the Regular Membership Meeting to be sworn in to office.  


The Caucus Delegates will be giving a report on the Caucus held in March.  Please plan to attend.  Please note: ILWU Local 63 Marine Clerks have called a Stop Work Meting the same night as our Regular Membership Meeting - ILWU LOCAL 13 IS NOT HAVING A STOP WORK MEETING.  



Chris Viramontes Julie Brady        Mark Williams

President Vice President         Secretary/Treasurer

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