
Labor Studies

Southern California 
District Council




Labor Studies College Course


Labor Relations Law

(Labor Studies 3 - Section 3252)



February 10, 2015 - June 2, 2015

(16 Weeks)


6:00 PM to 9:10PM


Cost:  $138


Hosted by:  ILWU SCDC & ILWU Local 56


A comprehensive overview of labor relations laws (primarily private sector), covering employee, employer and union rights and obligations, unfair labor practices, union representation elections and other Labor Board procedures.


Instructors: Gillian Goldberg & Steven Holguin


Class Location:


ILWU Local 56

316 W. 7th Street

San Pedro CA 90731


Registration will be on the 1st night of class

although pre-registration is recommended.  


For more information contact:


Trade-Tech Labor Center  

(213) 763-7129 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Karl Rashad (ILWU Local 13) - (562) 419-2874

 Kenyatta Whitworth (ILWU IBU) - (323) 395-3838

Ilugardo Mendoza (ILWU Local 56) - (310) 987-6571


ILWU Southern California District Council
Cathy Familathe, President
Floyd Bryan, Vice-President
Luisa Gratz, Secretary-Treasurer
Ph. (310) 521-8796   Fax (310) 521-8798
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