
Bulletin #18-14

Bulletin #18-14


July 10, 2014





Dear Brothers and Sisters:


As you know, the primary election for Vice-President of Local 13 was challenged by a member of Local 13.  Local 13 investigated that challenge and found that it did not require the election to be re-run.  Local 13’s decision was appealed by the challenging member of Local 13 through Article IX of the International Constitution.  President McEllrath disagreed with Local 13’s decision and determined that it would be appropriate for Local 13 to re-run the election for Vice-President.  Local 13 still believes that its initial decision not to re-run the election was the correct decision.  We believe that President McEllrath’s decision that the election should be re-run was based on a misinterpretation of Local 13’s election rules.  Nevertheless, at this time, our primary focus as a Union must be on maintaining solidarity in order to achieve the best contract possible for the membership.  We cannot be distracted by internal issues, or a union member filing frivolous complaints with the Department of Labor, when so much is on the line.  Because of the paramount importance of devoting all of our energy to the larger contract struggle, we have decided that although we strongly disagree with President McEllrath’s decision, we will not appeal the decision to the International Executive Board.  Rather, we will agree to re-run the election for Vice-President so that we can focus on this important contract fight.



Bobby Olvera, Jr. Mark Williams

President Secretary/Treasurer