Bulletin #64-22

Bulletin #64-22

December 1, 2022


Due to the decline of work, all Class B’s will be on a one-day-only basis for dispatch (except general cargo work), commencing Saturday December 3, 2022. This order will be in place until the work returns to our ports. This will ensure an equal work opportunity for all Class B’s. In light of this mandate, the Officers are suspending Class B dispatch rule #15. The rule states as follows:

Class B Dispatch Rule 15

To be eligible to work Saturday, a man must be checked-in the previous day. He must have been available (2) two straight-time days during the week. EXCEPTION: Men returning from vacation, illness, Union Business, and / or collective bargaining. A flop shall count as a day of availability on the day before an overtime day only for the purpose of working Saturday or a holiday. To be eligible to work a holiday, a man must be available on the previous day, except if a holiday falls on a Monday.

The rule above means that one must be available on Friday to work Saturday. Also, that one must be available the day before an overtime (holiday) day to work on that overtime day.

Again, this rule-suspension will begin on the 1st shift Saturday, December 3, 2022 and shall remain in effect until further notice.

We know that these are trying times however, we will persevere through this by maintaining respect for one another. Remember we work in an HONOR SYSTEM so please, keep track of all your hours.

God bless you and stay safe.


Ramon Ponce de Leon Vic Zuniga Jesse Lopez

President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer

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