630 South Centre Street | San Pedro, CA 90731 | (310) 830-6116
from your Benefits Office
Benefits Bulletin #7-2023
Click here for pdf
This is a special month for our Local and our Union as we celebrate Bloody Thursday, and as we gather for a Contract Caucus. Be sure to check the ILWU Local 13 website at https://ilwu13.com/ for the latest information about the many activities/events planned to honor our history and strengthen our future. See you and your families on July 5th!
The Benefits Office of Local 13 is proud to continue providing opportunities for our ILWU families to save money doing fun things! Thanks to our partnership with Tickets at Work, hundreds of families have enjoyed discounts on amusement parks, movies, hotels, activities, events, rental cars and much more! Just scan this QR code with your smart phone or device to get started ? |
Please email us if you would like this link https://www.ticketsatwork.com/tickets/ emailed to you. Once you create an account, the opening screen looks like this ? and you can enter whatever you are looking for in the search bar.
Here’s how you sign up:
Information about ADA & Upcoming events is on the back page! |
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There will be NO ADA LRC meetings this month due to the
Fourth of July and Bloody Thursday holidays, as well as the Contract Caucus.
The regular ADA LRC schedule will resume in August with meetings
on the first and third Tuesdays of the month accordingly:
- Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 9 AM at ILWU Local 13 in San Pedro
- Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 9 AM at PMA in Long Beach
There will be no Benefits Break this month due to holidays and the caucus, but please save the date for next month’s Lunch and Learn:
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Workers’ Compensation Seminar 11 AM to 1 PM ILWU Local 13 Offices in San Pedro |
If you need assistance with anything related to your WELFARE or PENSION benefits that is NOT urgent, please submit an email to Benefits@ilwu13.org
with your name and registration number in the subject line of your email.
Please include your phone number in the body of the email and be
brief but specific with your inquiry/request.
The benefits email service was established as a
convenience to assist members with routine processes and questions.
Members who choose to use the voluntary email service
are asked to please be patient.
Due to our growing membership and more than 2,000 new Class B members,
plus the sensitive nature of each request,
it can take up to two-business days for a response.
However, it rarely takes that long.
Most inquiries are addressed within hours, if not minutes.
If you are in a hurry, the Benefits Office is open during normal business hours which are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Thank you for understanding.
In service to our local, our union, and our community.
Vivian Malauulu, M.A. Ed. Admin. Benefits Officer Benefits Bulletin #7-2023 OPEIU #537/MV |
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