INTERNATIONAL LONGSHORE AND WAREHOUSE UNION | LOCAL 13630 South Centre Street | San Pedro, CA 90731 | (310) 830-6116from your Benefits OfficeBenefits Bulletin #1-2024 |
Happy New Year, Local 13! Let this be your best year! Health is wealth and the Benefits Office Team is committed to helping you maximize your contractual benefits intentionally and knowledgeably. Here are a few tips that industry experts suggest for routine wellness that can help you improve your overall health and enjoy a better quality of life: |
Sleep more.
Drink water.
Eat better; avoid sugar, add vegetables.
Incorporate exercise into your daily routine; take the stairs, park farther away, walk during your break.
Prioritize your mental health; meditate, read, consider a new hobby.
Volunteer in your community.
Make time for yourself as often as you make time for family and friends.
Clear clutter; donate and toss items you do not use.
Travel; explore your city, drive the coast or to another state, visit a foreign country.
Schedule medical appointments for your annual physical exams, dental cleanings, hearing/vision check-ups.
What to do if you did NOT work 800 hours between December 24, 2022 and December 22, 2023:
Submit an email to with your full name and registration number in the subject line.
Include the best phone number where you can be reached in the body of the email.
Indicate that you did not work 800 hours during the PMA payroll year and would like a WELFARE and/or PENSION claim.
Make sure the DUES OFFICE has your OFF WORK note(s) for the year(s) in which you did not work 800/1,300 hours. The Dues Office can be reached at (310) 830-1130.
A WELFARE claim is required from members who did not work 800 hours in the PMA payroll year so you can keep your medical/dental/vision insurance.
The deadline to file a WELFARE claim is May 31st of EVERY YEAR to avoid losing eligibility for medical/dental/vision benefits effective July 1st.
A PENSION claim is required for members who did not work 800 or 1,300 hours in the PMA payroll year so you can receive pension credit toward your retirement.
Members who were out on total temporary disability (TTD) can apply for UP TO 200 hours toward a pension claim.
Members who were out on an industrial injury (workers’ compensation/WC) must submit an LS-208 form to apply for more than 200 hours’ credit. LS-208 forms are issued once your WC case settles.
There is NO DEADLINE to file a PENSION claim.
The Benefits Office of Local 13 does not have access to your payroll hours. You can verify your hours by reviewing your check stubs, W2 documents, or by calling the Benefit Plans Office in San Francisco at (888) 372-4598.
Inquiries regarding payroll shortages, holidays, vacation, or PGP should be directed to the Records Clerk at (310) 233-5402.
Thinking about retirement? Common questions are on the back page ?
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Call (888) 372-4598 to ask these common questionsor any other retirement/pension inquiries you may have! |
There are twoAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Labor Relations Committee (LRC)meetings this month. |
If you need assistance with anything related to yourWELFARE or PENSION benefits that is NOT urgent,please submit an email to Benefits@ilwu13.orgwith your full name and registration number in the subject line of the email.Please include your phone number in the body of the email and bebrief but specific with your inquiry/request.Even though most inquiries are addressed within hours, if not minutes,we do ask for your patience for us to respond becauseit can take up to two business days if we are very busy.Email is NOT suitable for emergencies! Please call (310) 830-1130if you are in a hurry and cannot wait for an email response.The Benefits Office is open during normal business hours which areMonday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.Peak hours are between 11 am to 1 pm so wait times might be longer.Thank you for understanding. We look forward to assisting you!
In service to our local, our union, and our community.Vivian Malauulu, M.A. Ed. Admin.Benefits OfficerBenefits Bulletin #1-2024OPEIU #537/MV |
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