INTERNATIONAL LONGSHORE AND WAREHOUSE UNION | LOCAL 13 630 South Centre Street | San Pedro, CA 90731 | (310) 830-6116 from your Benefits Office Benefits Bulletin #11-2023 |
Click here for pdf
The holidays are upon us and while they are supposed to be a time of joy, the reality is that the next couple of months can be very sad for some people. Being alone is a burden that many bear and sometimes work offers the only respite from loneliness. Coworkers might be the only family someone has. Be kind to each other. Smile. If you need assistance with anxiety, depression, grief, or any other emotional or mental health problem, please use the welfare benefits available to you and seek help. You are not alone.
Los Angeles County Mental Health Resources(for anyone who needs emotional and mental support) |
800-854-7771 |
Kaiser Behavioral/Mental Health(for Kaiser participants) |
800-900-3277 |
Magellan Ascend(for CIP/Blue Shield participants) |
800-424-5945 |
National Alliance on Mental Health(for all everyone)*text “NAMI” to 741741 for 24/7 free CRISIS counseling |
800-950-6264 |
Suicide and Crisis Life Line |
988 or 800-273-8255 |
Veterans Administration (VA) Psychiatry(for Veterans only) |
562-826-5610 |
Tamiko Love, ADRP(ILWU-PMA Alcohol Drug Recovery Program for all participants) |
310-547-9966 |
The 26th Annual Feed the Community Day needs YOU and YOUR FAMILY
to help with the assembly and distribution of food baskets
on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 from 7 am to 5 pm
at the ILWU Memorial Hall in Wilmington.
This is a great opportunity to give back to our community.
We are thankful that union members have a seat at the table!
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If you are 65 (or almost 65) and have questionsabout Medicare for you or your spouse,please call (888) 372-4598or submit an email to |
More than 50 members and their spouses attended the Social Security/Medicare Seminar last month. We will have another event like this next spring. Please check the monthly Benefits Bulletins for specific details about the date/time/location. Benefits Bulletins are available at the Dispatch Hall, on the ILWU Local 13 website, at membership meetings (Class A, Class B, and Pensioners), and they are sent to members who are signed up to receive email/text blasts. We also advertise events on the Dispatch Tape.
As previously posted, ALL ADA LRCswill be held at ILWU Local 13 until further notice. This is due to construction happening at PMA. Remaining 2023 ADA LRCs are:Tuesday, November 7, 2023Tuesday, November 21, 2023Tuesday, December 5, 2023Tuesday, December 19, 2023Start time is 9 AM and members are seenon a first come, first serve basis. |
If you need assistance with anything related to yourWELFARE or PENSION benefits that is NOT urgent,please submit an email to Benefits@ilwu13.orgwith your full name and registration number in the subject line of the email.Please include your phone number in the body of the email and bebrief but specific with your inquiry/request.Even though most inquiries are addressed within hours, if not minutes,we do ask for your patience for us to respond becauseit can take up to one business day if we are very busy.If you are in a hurry and cannot wait for an email response,the Benefits Office is open during normal business hours which areMonday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.Peak hours are between 11 am to 1 pm so wait times might be longer.Thank you for understanding. We look forward to assisting you! |
In service to our local, our union, and our community.Vivian Malauulu, M.A. Ed. Admin.Benefits OfficerBenefits Bulletin #11-2023OPEIU #537/MV |
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