11-16-20 CC Memo Re Benefit Eligibilty During the Covid-19

FROM:            The Coast Committee


SUBJECT:          Benefit Eligibility during the COVID-19 Health Crisis


DATE:           November 16, 2020

This is in follow up to our August 24, 2020 memorandum (attached) regarding benefit eligibility during the COVID-19 health crisis.


As you know, in CLRC Mtg. No. 31-20 (attached), the Coast Committee sought to amend the ILWU-PMA Pension and Welfare Agreements, under certain COVID-19 related circumstances, to ensure continuity of welfare and pension coverage during the pandemic. To date, the Union’s request is still under review by PMA; however, we have requested updated payroll information in an attempt to find a resolution.


In our August memorandum, we noted that the Quarterly Manpower Reports for the First Quarter of 2020 reflected that coastwide 1,345 registrants had between 0 and 50 hours worked. The Quarterly Manpower Reports for the Second Quarter of 2020 reflected that coastwide 2,346 registrants had between 0 and 50 hours worked coastwide. PMA’s later response to our information request now indicate that, as of Payroll Period 42, ending October 9, 2020, there are 3,008 registrants that have between 0 and 799 hours worked coastwide. Some of these individuals may be at risk of losing continued eligibility for welfare benefits and a pension qualifying year.


As we get closer to resolving this issue with PMA, it is critical to note that, for individuals to avail themselves of any agreement reached in this context, they will need to be able to establish that the failure to make welfare and pension qualifying hours was due to COVID -19 related issues as outlined in CLRC Mtg. No. 31 -20; specifically, that (1) they have been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19; (2) they or a member of their household has been diagnosed with COVID-19; (3) they are providing care to a family member who has been diagnosed with COVID -19; or (4) they are providing care for a child or other household member who cannot attend school or work because it is closed due to COVID-19. In other words, individuals will need documentation of one form or another.


We are aware that there is a gray zone of individuals who could not get doctors notes that unequivocally specified the need to stay home. In such instances, these individuals must provide doctors notes stating that they are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19. We do not know if this will be sufficient, but, at a minimum, it is something to work with that could account for the time off work periods.


The Coast Committee will provide locals with a list of individuals based off Payroll Period 42, ending October 9, 2020, who may need to provide documentation. Please inform these workers that, while there is still no agreement reached between the ILWU and PMA in this context, we are hopeful that we may reach joint agreement soon and that in anticipation of this outcome these individuals need to seek the necessary documentation outlined above.

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